Worth the Wait!
30 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Being a big fan of the previous installment 'The Dead' with its old fashioned feel to the filming & beautiful locations & also of the book 'Surviving the Dead' which gives all the awful & sometimes amusing stories of the horrific scenarios that occurred in & around filming, -I naturally was eagerly awaiting a sequel.

Watching the premier at FrighFest 13 I wasn't disappointed!

Once again set in another beautiful part of the world -this time in India, the filming shown felt like I was there (I could have stepped through the screen quite literally!) Again the main storyline is based with a main character 'Nicholas' having to survive his way through the zombie outbreak, desperate to get back to his beloved. But this film shows other intriguing characters along the way also which separates the story lines keeping the audiences views refreshed. I loved how the Ford Brothers brought in an action/adventure feel to the film while Nicholas is on his journey showing hidden parts of India while uncovering an old traditional Indian legend that co-insides with the ending of this movie well -giving it a somewhat fated & magical feel. Still with the jumping out of your seat moments 'that you want from a good zombie movie' this delivers & you can really pick up on the fact that the Ford Brothers understand the whole horror genre & what the audiences want to see while adding in rare attributes 'i.e. taking the filming & location out of the typical comfort zones adding in new places where no one else dare film giving the whole process a real flare'.-again giving something different to the mundane zombie/horror films already out on the market. :Good points to look out for: -when the first zombie appears/just before the panic begins -sent a real shiver down my spine! & also when Nicholas re-retrieves a motor bike but he needs the keys...... :Somewhat unknown Fact: -when filming nearer the end of the film, shooting the bunker/stairwell scenes this area was supposedly haunted?-many locals wouldn't even dare enter!?!

Anyway all in all a very good film which I would quite happily watch again & again. Already on my FB favorites list & am now just keeping an eye out & an ear to the ground for the blu ray release date.

Well done guys, another great piece of work to be proud of!
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