Deviates from the novel too much
29 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've been paging through the book recently–something I do every few years. I read it when it first came out, and it's been a favorite of mine ever since! I remember being really excited to see the miniseries and then being very disappointed in it. I guess it would be enjoyable if you hadn't read the book. I clicked "spoiler alert" just to be on the safe side, but I'll try not to be too specific in my criticisms. I'll just say so many things were changed, unnecessarily, from the novel. I know a movie or TV adaptation can't include everything that's in a book. But to change characters radically (and not for the better), add characters and subplots that weren't in the book, and have an ending that, to my mind, undercut a major premise of the book–that's just not acceptable. David O. Selznick, when he was making Gone With the Wind, told the screenwriters (there were lots of them!) that readers of a beloved book will forgive things being left out of a movie, but not things being added. He was very wise about that. There are a few book-into-film adaptations where adding some things works (Field of Dreams, in my opinion), but these are rare exceptions.
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