Review of Won't Back Down

Fair but Snoozy
11 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Suffice to write that "Won't Back Down", directed by Daniel Bartz, is a movie about educational reform, and one that is fair and satisfactory. Problem is it's also a snoozer. It runs a long feeling 121 min, and features at least 3 or 4 side stories that don't really mesh well together and detract from the focus to some extent. There have been quite a few classroom dramas over the years, some better, and some worse than this one. Gyllanthal brings her zeal and strong energy to her part and is nicely paired with Viola Davis, who strangely at times looks a little confused or out-of-place in some scenes. This might be poor direction. Anyway, there are the requisite feel-good moments, and not much to keep you guessing. This one gets around 5.5/10 - it's watchable and has some good moments - perhaps best was the scene about 2/3 through with Holly Hunter's character deflating Gyllanthal at one point. There are a few other good scenes, but some focus would've greatly helped this movie.
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