Review of Widows

Widows (2011)
A simple story told through a brilliant acting.
16 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The story is quite simple. Augusto suffers a heart attack and he's brought to the hospital by Adela, his young mistress. Elena, Augusto's wife, goes there too. That's where the two women meet. They've been sharing a man during 5 years; Elena never noticed it.

They're so different but, at the same time, so alike: both of them are alone and almost desperate after the sudden departure of their man. And they try to support each other, the best they can do. Elena as sort of a stepmother to Adela; Adela as the daughter that Elena never had. They have to learn about each other. It will take time, and many scars have to heal through the whole process.

Some questions have no answer during the whole movie. What's Adela's background? Is she alone in the world? Where are her parents? Are they alive or not? Why is she so much obsessed with Elena? Why does she need to be accepted by her? I'd like the movie to go deeper into these matters. That's probably the biggest flaw in the plot.

Graciela Borges as Elena is flawless, as usual. She's so full of herself, and cannot believe she has been cheated for such a long time (she had portrayed a very similar character a year earlier, the bossy Susana in "Dos hermanos"). Esther, her best friend and unconditional accomplice, is brilliantly played by Rita Cortese. The friendship between these two mature women is one of the strongest points of the film. Valeria Bertuccelli as the young, immature and disoriented Adela gives a quite credible performance too. I also need to mention Justina, the androgynous maid, who is constantly challenging her boss. She doesn't care, Elena cannot fire her: she knows "too much". She adds the bizarre and comic bits, they are a breath of fresh air in the middle of so much tension between the two principal characters.

I'd say there's not much story: just two women who have to accept each other's existence. But the whole movie is saved by the amazing acting. That's Borges, Cortese and Martin Bossi as Justina. I really enjoyed the movie, and I think a sequel would be necessary to tell us more about their past. And about their future, too.

My rate: 7/10.
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