Not very 'Cheerful'
28 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Cheerful Weather for the Wedding is a gloomy tale about a pair of crazy kids in love who just cannot get their sh*t together. This short story takes place the day of Felicity Jones's wedding. She is anxious about the choices she has made and is trying to figure out if this is what she wants, or if she has the gall to go through with something she doesn't want. Luke Treadaway is her former lover whom she invited to her wedding (to torment? to run away with? to confess her love to him before it's too late? That part wasn't really clear) and as he waits for the fateful hour where she will no longer be his, he grows increasingly anxious to talk to her. (to torment her? to run away with her? to confess his undying love to her? Also not sure why he showed up or what he wanted to say.)

The two former lovers barely interact and you only discover that they were once in love by how frigid they become when the other's name is mentioned, or by the flashbacks that show how close they were several months ago. (Or in Felicity's case how strongly she tries to avoid him.)

The costumes are pretty enough and the characters are well developed, but what this tale lacks is emotion. And it's not the story's fault. The plot line is designed to keep you thinking and rooting for a specific outcome but it's the acting that fails to sell you this romance. There is no genuine chemistry between any two actors at all in this film and it takes it's toll. In the end instead of being broken hearted or happy for the characters you kind of just wished someone slapped them and told them how they could have solved their "Problems." Luke Treadaway's character elicits the least amount of sympathy from the viewer, as it seems that he is the author of his own misfortunes.

All of that notwithstanding, it's still a pretty good movie. Worth one viewing so that you can decide for yourself. 6/10
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