Review of Mad

Mad (2010–2022)
An insult to viewer's intelligence
22 June 2013
I've always loved Cartoon Network because of what it's been for more than a decade; a channel where I can forget the daily drama of real life and enjoy good cartoons. But seriously, lately it's been like a punch in my face every time I turn on my TV, tune in CN and I find myself with this pile of junk that Mad is.

The first time I saw it I thought it was in its first episodes so it would get better as it went on, but it's been 3 seasons already here where I live and each episode gets more painful to watch.

This has got to be the worst show I've ever seen in my life; and that's coming from a former Mad Magazine reader. This show feels incredibly lazy, rushed and with no imagination whatsoever. I do my best to change the channel every time it's on so I don't give it any rating, but I feel the sheer idiocy of this show is what keeps me watching it for at least a sketch or two.

If you're an intelligent person you'll spend face-palming after each and every agonizing minute it passes throughout the show. The scripts are pathetic and the animations terrible. Spoof is an dying genre, and Mad does nothing but placing the last shovel of dirt and the tombstone into it. What's even more painful is that this is the kind of trash kids are watching these days. Keep it up CN and we'll have a generation full of brain dead idiots.

Shame on you, Cartoon Network for accepting this trash in your programing. You need to rethink the concept of your channel. Bring back shows that make children actually use their brains. Shows with feelings, values, well thought original plots and also substance. Sure, The Regular Show and Adventure Time are funny and well thought, (especially The Regular Show for early 80's kids like me), but don't rely on these silly and soulless shows to represent your brand. Especially TRASH like Mad.
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