Dropped the ball after part 1
8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After I watched part 1 (which was perfect) I was excited for part 2. Now, I'd say about half of the movie was incredibly good, and I admit I had my mouth literally hanging open in disbelief a fair amount. However, there is a lot wrong with it, at the same time:

1) Whereas the first part highlighted Batman's age and the fact that he had to fight differently, the second one throws all that out the window. In part two Batman is portrayed as an inhuman fighting machine, who is tougher than he ever was when he was younger. The action in this one doesn't have the class and style of the first movie. It's just straight-up violent, frantic action.

2) The whole subplot with Superman seemed clumsy and tacked on. It really either didn't need to be there, or needed to be reworked. Also, Superman would NEVER have acted that way.

3) The whole Joker part had some serious flaws to it. Brutal violence ensues and greatly disrupts the feel of not only the first movie, but strays from every Batman movie or animation ever made.

4) The whole part about the new commissioner. Seriously?? It was laughably unrealistic. She is obsessed with stopping Batman even though the Joker is killing people left and right. Way over the top.

5) Lastly, there was just a lot of 80's comic goofiness in this one. Some of the plot stuff just didn't make any sense (the nuclear winter part) Batman riding around on a horse, etc etc.

As I said, this was a solid movie in some ways, even great in some ways. But everything about it was just way too over the top compared to part 1 and it had a completely different dynamic to it. Still, I'm giving it a pretty good rating.
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