After Earth (2013)
Absolutely Boring and Pathertic
3 June 2013
I have been a Will Smith fan since Fresh Prince, but in the last several years his on-screen personae and talents have been severely lacking. It is with no small amount of regret that I must say this is the bottom of the barrel for Smith. The short version of it is this: Will has no personality in this movie whatsoever, his non-talented son Jaden is absolutely laughable as a lead figure, the plot drags along for seemingly unending hours with little or no excitement or humor or intrigue to keep our attention or interest, and the underlying themes and tone is nothing more that pure hype for the scientology church. I don't say this very often about most movies...but I seriously would like my $10 and 3 hours of wasted time and money back. This one is a serious stinker
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