Deadgirl (2008)
A Rape Movie w/ Very Little Zombie Thrown In
19 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I think a zombie movie should have more than one zombie in it. That's the whole crux of zombie movies - so many of them, so few of us, whatever shall we do? Deadgirl has one zombie, a young woman tied to a gurney who occasionally does zombie-like things (like obliterating a ferocious dog with only her bare teeth), but mostly she just passively lies there and gets raped (alot), sodomized, beaten, etc.

But that's okay because we have this in-depth study of the teenage boy psyche to compensate for the total lack of zombie-ness. And here it is in a nutshell; whether he's a jock, a rebel, a nerd, a loser, or a stoner - the teenage boy is perfectly fine with sticking his penis in a zombie he's found tied up in a basement. It doesn't matter that she smells from festering bullet wounds, or that his friends have already dumped multiple loads in her and there's not a shower or garden hose to be found, or that... she's a zombie.

Additionally, teenage boys have no moral compass. Teenage boys have minimal problem solving skills. Teenage boys lack the ability to articulate any thoughts more complex than "F_ck you, homo!" or whatever. Essentially, teenage boys have only slightly more brain activity than the zombies they're raping.

Now, back to how much this movie sucks as a zombie movie. JT, the lead rapist, proves how deadgirl can't die by beating her, shooting her, etc. Near the end of the movie, however, he casually thrusts a machete into her skull. That should have killed her, but it doesn't.

There's a clip showing how one of deadgirl's bullet wounds is oozing pus. She would have to be alive to generate pus.

JT gets scratched by deadgirl, two jocks get bitten by deadgirl and none of them turn into zombies. A girl gets bitten and she does become a zombie. Why? So, the circle of deadgirl rape can continue, of course.

The only high point of this movie was when a would be victim of two of the rapists soundly beats the crap out of them in a gas station parking lot.

BOTTOM LINE: Basically, this movie is a misogynistic rape fantasy fest for emotionally stunted teenage boys and men.
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