The Obama Deception (2009 Video)
An introduction to the perils of Modern-day politics, on all political fronts
1 March 2013
Overall, the Obama Deception is a very good documentary. Now at this point I will freeze, and point the following out. Whenever Alex Jones is involved you will always get two types of people watching, more-often-than-not. Firstly there are the die-hard Alex Jones fans: most things AJ says is right, his got a great mind to dissect the New World Order and all of that. Secondly are the Alex Jones haters. The type of "this man is a nut-case, and boy - he makes a great case for banning guns and conspiracy theories!" Personally I put myself into neither category, I like Alex Jones, I think he can do some very good journalism, his independent and will call both sides of the political isle out, and that is exactly what he does in this film. For 2008/9, there was one of the biggest political crazes in history - Yes! The cult of Obama. What this film does very well is the deconstruction of that false hope and promise very convincingly, and outlines the sheer danger in this phenomenon. The film introduces the facts about Barack Obama and George W. Bush, the Democrats and Republicans. They both work for the same people. And the next natural question for the curious, not the Obamanoid liberals (who probably despise this film) is who are these people? Well this is where one naturally becomes speculative. Obama or Bush are never going to say "well, due to campaign finance and the way our political system functions of legalized bribery, we're controlled by the International Banking Cartels (Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Chase) and the Military-Industrial Complex (Boeing, BAE Systems et al)." That simply doesn't happen. However to all of the films skeptics I will ask this. 1) To take a recent example, why over the so-called "Fiscal-Cliff" deal, did Obama sign away 84% of the revenue he could have gained, had he allowed the Bush Tax Cuts to expire across the board? NASCAR loopholes? Reduction in Estate Tax, only applicable to the Rich, permanently? Reduction in Capital Gains Tax/ forms of income for hedgerow managers down to 20%, whilst the average American pays 35% tax. 2) Why is Police State legislation still in place - provisions of the PATRIOT Act, the National Defence Authorization Act, H.R. 645, establishing FEMA Camps? 3)What criminals have been taken to court from Wall Street, and why is Obama's cabinet and administration full of people from Wall Street? (as the film points out, Government of Wall Street, for the people of Wall Street")

In all, a great film asking the fundamental basic questions about the very nature of the Obama administration, and no one except the biggest pro-Wall Street/ Multinational Corporation robot or Obamanoid will come away in disillusionment. Well worth the watch!
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