Review of Tosh.0

Tosh.0 (2009–2020)
the bad outweighs the good here
18 February 2013
I have only seen about half of season three of Tosh.0 (free on youtube). If you like crude humor, which I do, there's a lot to laugh at in this show. Initially, I found myself laughing hysterically at both the videos and the comedic bits and to criticize the show based solely on the low-brow nature of the jokes is unfair and probably means that you just don't like that brand of humor. This being said, there's a real dark side to this show which, ultimately, far outweighs the enjoyable aspects. For the life of me, I cannot understand why a television show would make fun of people who often times are clearly getting seriously, seriously injured. It's one thing to watch a video where a person appears to get injured, but then they get up and, while perhaps a little bruised, clearly are okay. It's something completely different to watch a video and be left with the thought that you just might have seen someone get crippled or, in rare cases, even died, and then hear rather tasteless jokes about it. There is a sickening aftertaste to these moments and for all of the genuinely funny moments, if you are like me, this particular aspect is enough to cause one to never watch another episode.
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