Bachelorette (2012)
Makes Bridesmaids look like Lincoln
15 January 2013
One of the most annoying films I'ever watched. From the constant, nagging soundtrack to the clichéd friends-that-would-never-be-friends-in-real- life female characters hysterically running around to fill out the tiresome 90 minutes of plot to "save" the wedding dress- nothing anyone does in this movie rings true or is remotely pleasant to watch. Characters exist as "dysfunctional" cardboard cutouts who run down the gamut of expected dysfunctions that we're first meant perceive as hilarious and bawdy, but ultimately as troubling and touching, because, you know, deep down, they're just girls looking for love. And, oh, the hook ups, mess ups and hang ups are just so funny, had I not seen them coming from a thousand miles away and a thousand comedies before. When you create messed up, stupid and selfish characters just to advance a bad comedy, it's hard to care about or buy the upbeat ending "with a heart," which is so bogus it elicited the loudest sarcastic laugh of the movie.
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