Growing Pains meets the Apocalypse
3 January 2013
You know how there are movies that are simply so bad that they become classics based purely upon the fact that they are bad. Well, this movie is not one of those movies. This movie is simply so bad that it will even fail to reach the cult status of Plan 9 From Outer Space. Mind you, the books in and of themselves were pretty shocking, but this movie takes it to a whole new level.

While I have, in the past, found the whole pre-millenialism theology to be interesting, and for a while even believed it, I would like to think that I have grown out of that stage of my life and returned to the amillenialism traditions of my parents, and though while people are entitled to believe what they believe, I find this whole fear mongering over the identity of the anti-Christ and the conspiratory theories behind the creation of the European Union to be just a little overboard. Oh, and on that point, the fact that we are seeing a possible break up of the Euro-zone goes to show that these so called prophecies of the end times that were made in the nineties have turned out to be little more than bunk. Also, I found making the anti-Christ Eastern European was also a little disrespectful to, well, Eastern Europeans, but then I guess we could not have made him American, could have we.

As for theology, well, even ignoring the rather pathetic conversions, we here no mention of Jesus in this film, nor of his saving act, nor his death or resurrection. In fact, it seems as if Jesus does not exist and that what this movie is actually promoting is the American Civil Religion of God and the Bible (though the civil religion does have Jesus in it). For a movie that is supposed to be heavily Christian, I am somewhat surprised that the original authors even allow this movie to be made.
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