Big Spoilers, whats going on with the story?
22 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry but I don't think this was nearly as good as it could of been. Basically if your new to Berserk watch the old series otherwise you will have no idea what in the hell is going on.

The main appeal and the best part of Berserk is the characters, the story and the awesome dialogue they have between them. Well in this movie series, they've pretty much left that out, no character development, weak dialogue they've changed it in some instances so the characters (such as the King of Midland) seems to have a totally different persona. What happened to the Queen scene amongst others?

One of my fav scenes was when Guts meets Zodd the Immortal. Zodd is impressed by Guts' swordsmanship, Guts realises whilst their skill is not equal, at least the strength of their blades are. So Guts places his life on the strength of his blade, Zodd realises this and accepts his challenge. But in the movie, no duel acceptance, guts just says to himself 'at least our swordsmanship is on par,' basically changing the scene and made it a terrible let down on top of not making sense. Just ruined one of the most epic scenes in Berserk.

Then when Guts fights General Boscone and his blade is broken because of the previous battle (100 men fight) Zodd, who is just awesome watching from afar, tenses his demon muscles and throws him his sword. Well in the movie, Guts just throws up a flag and cuts him with his beaten and blunt blade. Ruined another great scene.

And I really felt for Corkus, all the characters felt like real people, in this movie, they've just left out the story basically, which is the main point of a series, film or book/manga, to tell a 'STORY.'

I noticed there were more a lot more tit and ass shots in this movie version which annoyed me, hell why not have a full on sex scene whilst were at it, oh wait there is. And yes I realise what happens at the end, but that's in context, not just mindlessly flashing a bit of tit/ass to keep people interested, and whether its a game, movie or TV series, when they need more ass to keep you interested, you know its making up for something its lacking.

I don't know if there just fast-forwarding through the series to get to where the last original series ended, if that really is the case, then I take back what I say, but judging from the changes they've made, I don't think that's going to be the case.

The animation work is great, but its like graphics in games, if the content is crap, no matter how good it looks, it won't actually be that good fun. Like covering a turd in glitter if you will, albeit that's a bit harsh. Nah actually, it wasn't very good.

Sorry I really love Berserk it is one of my fav animes if not my fav but I just felt this was a real let down. Anyone else feel the same?
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