It could of been more revealing
20 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Whether the film maker was afraid to include his Nazi period,cause he and his fellow Germans still could not except their past is question mark.That time time Germany was making films facing their past .The devils General. The last bridge.Another one about the life of a army soldier right before the war,in the movie that is.The film maker could of included his third Reich period. Now the real one did express opposition against the euthanasia programs and stayed away from the Nazis as much as possible ,unless he was operating on them.The only connection was a scene ,in the hospital ,in which suicidal Heidemarie Hatheyer was feeling still miserable,the doctor,played by Ewald Balser,almost looks like the real D.r.,tells his woes.How the Russia officials arrested him and had him in jail, until commissar, played by Paul Biederstaedt, got him out remembering that he rescued his mother .which threw Hiede's off on her own misery. Old Frederic the Great 2, played by Otto Gebuhr, is now a aid to a doctor in this one.The only negative they had av bout this film is when they show how in the beginning ,the compression chamber failed causing unintentional death to the patient,an old lady.Then a mistake made on one of his surgery ,which causes bleeding and heart failure ,but was able to rehabilitate the heart immediately through messaging. Inspite of its too positive view on this famous Surgeon.It was still good.The other in the cast are guest appearances,Beside Biederstaedt, was Erich Ponto as one of the doctors ,of Psychiatry.Lina Carstens shows up as one of the nurses.It would of been more dramatic if it include his Nazi period and how he was charged ,after the war and found not guilty, But this wasn't too bad.11/21/12
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