Nice family fare
4 October 2012
What can only be described as a sweet film, this family comedy is bright and sunny even when the situation takes a turn for the perilous.

Full of sprightly performances this is the kind of film that rarely gets made anymore and when it does is drowned in sugary sentiment.

The Jones girls, Shirley and Carolyn are both most engaging, play well off each other and look great. In Carolyn's case this might be the most attractive she ever was on screen.

As the men in their lives Gig Young get a rare chance to be the romantic lead who doesn't lose the girl in the end performing with his customary charming agility. Red Buttons provides comic relief but his character is more than that and he does it well, he and Carolyn are a surprisingly compatible couple.

A film that will leave you charmed at the conclusion this should really be more widely known.
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