Review of Branded

Branded (2012)
I don't see the conspiracy
7 September 2012
Now the trailer of this movie intrigued me, wasn't super hyped but wanted to check it out. Cause I thought it was about a big sci-fi conspiracy in a disillusioned world. This movie is ironic in a way since the trailer, ads and even the poster for this flick is very misleading. The trailer makes it seem like a crazy sci-fi movie that is confusing and yet cool, well the movie is not confusing. Even if the way it's directed is a bit weird. Now the way it's directed is the only remote thing that stands out about this movie. The rest of it is pretty forgettable and the message just seemed a bit to forced without delving into the topic in a more interesting or clever way. It tries to seem like it's a out of the ordinary clever movie but it's not when you think about it after couple of hours after watching this movie. Now some movies like these don't have to make much sense to be good. But a lot of the things that happen in this just seem like a dream without it questioning reality or figment of the imagination much. The whole movie revolves around marketing and how ads and brands can effect and leave a impact in the world. The whole thing makes it a bit far-fetched but some may agree with parts of the messages this movie tries to leave behind. Now I personally enjoyed the 1/3 of this movie but after that it starts to really slow down and lose interest. If you have interest in marketing this movie might keep your interest but it won't educate you much about the marketing world or anything like that. The marketing for this movie wasn't good for a reason probably but still this movie is the epitome of a movie where you should not trust the ads. The CGI wasn't good either and almost crap for a movie that made it into theaters in 2012. It isn't a super terrible movie but sure wasn't worth full price at all. Everything is jumbled up in a incoherent manner for the most part and almost just seem random all around without it being effective. The only thing memorable about this whole thing is how it kept reminding me of the OBEY clothing brand for some reason.

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