Shadow Play
2 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** The film "Shadow Conspirsey" comes across like a combination of "Three Days of the Condor" & "The Terminator" with this Arnold Schwarzenegger like hit man known as "the Agent", Stephen Lang, who despite unlike Arnold, in the aforementioned movie, being human seems to be indestructible as well as not answering to the both laws of nature or those of the, local as well as national, Justice Department! This mechanical like goon who never says a word throughout the entire movie goes around killing people at will with nobody able or willing to stop him. That's until he starts to tangle with the star of the show or film top presidential adviser Bobby Bishop, Charlie Sheen.

What we find out almost as soon as the movie begins is that in the pay CIA contractor Prof.Yuri Pochenko, Theodore Bikel, uncovers a plot to knock off the President of the United States played by a very stiff looking Sam Waterman. It's President Sam who's about to cut off all military spending and used that money to improve the lives of the American people: Way to go Pres! It's then that "The Agent" is unpleased to put an end to Prof. Pochenko's group of dedicated and loyal Americans attempt to expose this group of men high up in the government and military by murdering them including Prof. Pochenko! That's before Prof.Pochenko let the cat out of the bag by getting in touch with Bobby Bishop about their evil plans that they have for the nation.

Now a marked man and with Washington Herald top investigative reporter Amanda Givens played by Linda Hamilton, who also stared in the similar robot zombie assassin flick "The Termanator", joining him in exposing this shadow conspiracy Booby has no one to turn to. In that everyone he trusts even his mentor and good friend White House insider Jacob Conred, Donald Southerland, can very well be part of the conspiracy!

It's the non stop action that saves the movie from putting you to sleep in that its plot is so full of holes and inconsistencies that it makes no sense at all. Bobby & Amanda eventually get to the bottom of what's happening after a number of unbelievable escapes that it takes the suspense out of the movie in knowing that whatever dangers they face, and it's a lot, they'll always literately come up, like in the exciting elevator scene, smelling like roses!

***SPOILERS*** The final scene when "The Agent" is about to ice the President and his entire cabinet, even those involved in the conspiracy to ice him, has to be seen to be believed. Using a remote controlled toy attack helicopter, much the attack hellfire drones now used in Afghanistan and Yemen, "The Agent" turns Washington D.C into a free fire zone! Eeven though in the end the good's guys lead by Bobby & Amanda save the day as well as the Presdent's life all they end up getting for their heroic efforts is some time off from their jobs to play a game of basketball!
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