Face 2 Face (2013)
A life-changing piece of film making.
10 July 2012
You rarely find directors who use their work to pursue what they truly believe in. 'Hollywood' tends to be seen to be dominated by money and the desire for 'success' and NOT focusing on what is important - a connection and the truth.

Katherine Brooks is somebody I admire so greatly, and this project just reaffirms that.

Face 2 Face focuses on the issues of mental health and re-connecting with a world that is lost within the depths of social media. As a sufferer of anxiety and depression, this documentary moved me to a place beyond words of a review. The screener came at a perfect time for me due to a relapse, but seeing it brings the life changing message, YANA - you are not alone.

Society stigmatises mental health but F2F shows the intricacies and complexity of depression that hopefully makes those who do not suffer with mental health issues, think twice before they judge someone. Despite myself being judged a lot, F2F also shows that even if you are misunderstood by the world, you will never be completely alone.

This is the most inspirational piece of work I have ever seen. It is raw, it is emotional, it is REAL. Kat pushes the boundaries, and just creates magic.

I can't help but wonder what my life would be like if Kat didn't run away to Hollywood and start making movies, I know I would be a whole lot more misunderstood and unhappy.

For anyone who has ever felt misunderstood, hurt, sad, heartbroken, just any type of emotion, WATCH THIS and begin the healing. This woman will change your life. She changed mine.
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