Stupid Anti-Catholic Movie
10 May 2012
It would be nice for Hollywood to recognize that a lot of good Catholics actually go to the movies. It would be nice to have good movies like the Song of Bernadette or The Bells of St. Mary's. But instead we get this insulting, anti-Catholic movie that attacks all aspect of the Church and its mission. Kathleen Turner deserves an "F" for her performance as the ultra-Catholic Mom. Catholic mothers don't kick the Body of Christ under the rug because has fallen from the paten. It is a very pathetic attempt to spread the Catholic haters venom onto the silver screen. When are you going to learn that few people like going to movies that insult any religion? This piece of garbage needs to be taken to Turner's home and thrown in the trash. She use to be a wonderful actress; now she has stooped so low it is pathetic. Anyone associated with this vile piece of movie making should be blacklisted and punished.
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