Tooth Fairy 2 (2012 Video)
Passes the Test
14 April 2012
I watch family movies as part of my job.

I sat down to watch this one expecting excruciating torture. But I was pleasantly surprised.

Somehow, Mr. Whitney makes this madcap bit of nonsense work in a weird kind of way. He has exactly the right mix of bewildered goofiness and phony bravado to pull this off.

He also owes a huge debt of gratitude to his co-starring piglet and especially to Miss Reiter, who is a delightfully edgy antagonist. I look forward to seeing more of her work on the big screen.

I recall Roger Ebert's test: does this movie succeed at what it sets out to accomplish? This one does.

TF2 is an outstanding movie to watch with your 10-and-under family members.
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