Review of 3

3 (2010)
Fantastic movie that single-handedly redeems German comedy for me
11 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I hardly know where to start in saying how great this movie is, because it is so wonderful in so many ways.

For one, it has single-handedly redeemed the entire concept of German comedy for me. I must have watched at least a dozen German comedies and been so thoroughly bewildered by them all that I came to the conclusion that for me the words "German" and "funny" simply could not coexist in the same sentence unless the word "not" was in there too. This fantastic movie has blown that idea out of the water forever.

But this movie is far more than subtly but very funny; it is also a story of three very likable, ordinary people who wander almost by accident into an unconventional but very satisfying (for them and for the audience) arrangement in which everybody wins and nobody loses.

The remaining mystery for me is why people feel obliged to judge other people's behavior when that behavior is not hurting anyone, and when the people they are judging are not even real people but characters in a movie. What tiny, empty lives they must lead. God help the people those viewers actually know in real life; I'd hate to be deluded into thinking they were my friends.
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