Game Change (2012 TV Movie)
Game Change Doesn't Change Anything
11 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Game Change on HBO shows us why Sarah Palin, after all is said and done, really hasn't changed much of anything. She wasn't elected Vice President. She has chosen not to run for President. She resigned as governor. She has made a ton of money. And she is a celebrity. And after seeing the movie, I suppose that those who love her will still love her, and those that hate her will still hate her.

The movie, based on a book by the same name (which I have not read), recounts the Sarah Palin saga of 2008, when she went from a nobody to a hero (at least to some) to a punchline. The film recalls why she was chosen to run with McCain, how and why she was not vetted by those who should have known better, and the consequences of her selection.

So, in short, there are no surprises in the film. But there is excellent acting, particularly by Julianne Moore and Woody Harrelson. Moore's incredible mirroring of Palin's looks and mannerisms, combined with the depth of her performance, is sure to generate Emmy nominations. Ditto for Harrelson, who plays McCain's campaign manager, and who apparently decided that Palin was needed by both McCain and our country. She was to McCain's game changer in the 2008 Presidential election.

Ed Harris' performance is a bit problematic. Don't get me wrong. His acting is, predictably, outstanding. He is, after all, a gifted actor. But from what I've read, McCain has an explosive temper that often is out of control. Not according to Harris' portrayal, which is a picture of a kind and sensitive candidate who is sympathetic to Palin's plight.

What Game Change shows us, to the delight of her detractors and to the dismay of her defenders, is how utterly unqualified Palin was for the office she sought and, more importantly, for the office she could have inherited. This is the candidate for vice president who couldn't tell Katie Couric what newspapers and magazines she read, and whose foreign policy was based on the fact that she could see Russia from her perch in Alaska.

Game Change was directed by Jay Roach, who directed Recount, the dramatization of what took place in Florida in the 2000 Presidential election. Game Change is a good film. Although it isn't a great film, it is definitely worth seeing, even if you don't believe what it has to say.
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