Game Change (2012 TV Movie)
Game Change- Shows What's Wrong With America ****
10 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Super outstanding film made by HBO where Julianne Moore gives the performance of her life as Sarah Palin. Moore is Palin from her looks, intonation, naivety, and her beginnings as an obscure governor from Alaska who eventually sees herself as a future leader of America. In many ways, I was reminded of Broderick Crawford's Oscar winning portrayal as Willie Stark in the fabulous "All the King's Men," of 1949. Crawford learned how to win; Palin knew very much how to lose. Both really became demagogues, of course, I wonder if Palin knows what that word means.

Totally unqualified to be the vice presidential nominee, Palin thinks she is ready despite the gross incompetence she showed during the campaign. She really tries to assert herself in the losing cause.

Seeing this film, you are grateful that McCain lost the presidency. Ed Harris, as McCain, comes off as a foul-mouthed individual, who has ethics, but foolishly went along with the choice of Palin.

Woody Harrelson, as his adviser, Steve Schmidt, gives a tremendous performance as well. He saw the mistake he made and really gives it to Palin on the night of the election.

This is a horrifying look at what could have been a person next in line to be president who was so woefully unprepared for the job. Palin's nomination really could have set the woman's movement back in America for 100 years.

The film is fulled with substance; something that Palin lacked entirely. She was certainly depicted as the apple-pie, soccer mom. That in itself cannot propel you to the vice presidency. Substance does certainly count.
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