So well DONE, even you don't get it!
22 January 2012
Yes..this is it folks. You will watch this show, and your skin will crawl, and you will grimace and the incredibly, and increasingly poor decisions of this man. At first, you won't be sure if you actually like it, you'll tell yourself its unrealistic, and that maybe, the writing is bad, but then, lightening will strike, and you'll realize you'll watching pure gleaming brilliance.

You will tell yourself that these situations are unrealistic, and that no person could ever roll on himself this much. And then you realize that Todd himself is a spiritual embodiment of exactly what most of us in an industrialized culture have become, because we have been conditioned to do so. We are the compulsive lying sociopath, who believes in our own intelligence to the detriment of our ignorance...Well, maybe not even North America, maybe the world, or those who have fallen for the reality show overdose, and believe that this is the way culture should be shaped on a base of twisted power.

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