Joyful Noise (2012)
not for Christians
16 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe I signed up simply to give an HONEST review of this movie! But, I looked here 1st, & if I had been warned, I would not have gone. I find it totally irresponsible, yet not surprising, that a one night hook-up takes place between 2 members of this Christian(?) choir. It was TOTALLY not part of the story line, & not frowned upon at all! HELLO!!! I can tolerate a few cuss-words (I gave it a 2 cuz no F-bombs were used, otherwise it would've been a 1) & I can let calling God your "homeboy" slide (reluctantly)... but if you are a follower of Jesus & the teachings of the Bible as the Word of God, which is NOT in favor of sex outside of marriage... I can't suggest this movie at all. And I really wanted it to be good.
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