Review of The Parade

The Parade (2011)
Amazing work.
2 January 2012
I find this movie ground-breaking and beautifully made. I will slightly base this writing on the review of the user "mmajstor", who - as a Serbian - knows the situation in the country best, but I want to share my view on the problems he exposed. I'm a gay from Slovenia, which is the most gay-friendly of the ex-Yugoslavian countries. Pride parades take place regularly for the last 11 years and we always experience sadness when hearing the unpleasant stories of parades in Croatia and Serbia, the latter being one of the most homophobic countries in Europe. Making a movie about homosexuality is already the reason to bow before Dragojevic (the director), who experienced homophobic attacks while making this film. And even more, made a really good one.

Of course, the movie is a bit idealistic, that was the point. Gay movies are depressing as it is, there's no point in just showing gay bashing, because in the case of Serbia that could be a simple documentary. This movie was made to give hope to people. I admit that the characters are a bit stereotypical, not all homosexuals are like that, but some of them ARE and they should be allowed to walk freely outside as anybody else. And as mmajstor said "I don't think that gay population would be satisfied with the presented picture of them", in the case of me and my friends, we were laughing the loudest in the cinema because we got the inside jokes. And already like this, the movie was very provocative, so I wouldn't tease the local public with harsher topics for the start, because I think the movie was made mainly to educate. If this was the primary goal, I believe it did well. It showed that gays as well as straights can get beat up for the same reasons, for love. It showed that people can change and that giving a chance to somebody can result in personal growth. It had to show the situation to the locals from the Serbian point of view, because only this way people can relate to it and not think "it's just another one of those American Sodoma-and-Gomorrah movies" - it's something that happens in your country, in your town.

And finally, the idea of teaming up ex-enemies to protect Serbian gays is pretty far-fetched, but absurdly hilarious and slightly nostalgic.

Basically, my opinion is that this was a wonderfully made film and I hope it will made people think. Really think.
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