The Walking Dead: Cherokee Rose (2011)
Season 2, Episode 4
Dumb Behavior II : Zombitris, irresistible Glenn, predictable Lori subplot, thoughtful connections, optimistic spirit, intriguing rules, smart dialogs
8 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
And the walker of the week is… Gorezilla ! Their plan to get it out of the well was silly and with Save the Last One, where Daryl and Andrea went for a walk at night, I worry that we will have to endure more stupid situations. I mean the cord is the oldest one trick pony, it always break. So the precious minutes lost to follow Glenn's predictable descent in hell could have been used for something more important. It leads us to his hilarious and sexy escape with Maggie. The awkward way he got laid was well staged and it was obvious Steven Yeun and Lauren Cohan were having fun. Surviving with their characters would make a post apocalyptic world less painful to live in. Moreover their arc was connected to Lori's search for a pregnancy test so even if I saw it coming the writing knows where it's going. In addition her sensual moment with Rick in front of the mirror was similar to the one Glenn and Maggie shared. It proves that there's still hope despite the pessimistic dialogs between Lori and her husband last episode. The slow pace also proved that The Walking Dead excels in all departments, from frightening situations like the horde to heartwarming reunions. They're all together now and only Sophia is missing. But it seems Daryl is on her trail even if it wasn't explicitly stated, a subtlety I'm quite fond of. The hopeful story he told the mother was also quite moving and the rose as beautiful as the landscape Rick and the old man contemplated at the creek. As for their man to man discussion in front of the house it opened a whole new set of possibilities. Shouldn't Rick ask the others what they want to do ? What are the rules to stay ? Covering topics like religion and education issues was also quite enlightening. Last but not least a bold Shane reminded me of Of Mice and Men because the character has reached a certain complexity and makes me uncomfortable. Of course he had to lie but if he hadn't shoot the fat guy well he would just be a pile of bloody meat on the road.

Now I only have one question left… How many condoms did Glenn use ? Considering the super bright smile he had on his face I bet on seven, one for each heaven they reached. Naughty survivors !

Note : This review was first posted on Kritikenstein, my weblog.
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