Review of Cherokee Rose

The Walking Dead: Cherokee Rose (2011)
Season 2, Episode 4
Stop me if you've heard this one: zombie falls down a well and...
8 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
On the plus side they did finally get around to weapons training. Good move, that. I'm not sure why it wasn't mandatory, or what everyone else was up to, but Shane took Andrea and Carol out to practice. Let's say that's worth about 5 good storytelling points. Of course, worth about a billion bad points are (in no particular order): using "live" bait... to noose a walker... in a poisoned well... after literally JUST showing everyone huddled around a topographic map of the area and commenting about offshoots of the freshwater creek. Removing a contagion from a water supply doesn't magically cure that water; it's still had a dead body in it, regardless of the fact of it being a zombie. It's a coffin martini. I wouldn't drink that water after boiling it for a week straight.

Showing off your special effects skills for no good reason is just laughable (looking your way Michael Bay). If it doesn't fit in with a logical plot all you've done is make a joke to, and really about, the audience. It was stupid to risk Glenn in an effort to save the well. Go to the creek for water, or to the stocked truck Shane found like two days ago, or start digging another well, but don't risk someone's life! This isn't the desert, it's Georgia. There is water to be had. I'd want these idiots to leave too if I was Herschel.

And that's just the low point of the episode. Ransacking a pharmacy by passing perfectly good houses en route made no sense either, nor did leaving the horses (again, live bait) tethered outside without a guard, nor did having two people search instead of one guarding the other's back. I watch my buddy's back in a questionable 7-11. I like to think we'd be a little smarter than the average bear during the Apocalypse.

This one started cheesy, got dumb, and stayed stupid. Man, do I hope they step it up a few notches (before it's too late).
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