Review of The Hazing

The Hazing (2004)
Everything a cheesy horror flick SHOULD be!
5 September 2011
Like my title says: EVERYTHING a cheesy horror flick SHOULD be! I had GREAT FUN watching this movie. The set-up is believable enough. The actors all feel like actors, not a bunch of film students trying to act. No academy award performances, but no "so over the top you crinch" moments, either. The movie keeps a good sense of humor through-out. Plenty of blood (and to humorous levels at times). Effects are nicely done. Nector Rose as Delia is an absolute JOY - easily stealing the show (and there's a GREAT topless scene with her). Tiffany Shepis as Marsha spends most of the movie in Spandex - looking great for an actor described in her bio as "voluptuous." Best of all, after spending all that time tracing her curves through that skin-tight costume, the viewer is rewarded with a nice shot of her without the costume.

This is the kind of movie that keeps me watching cheesy horror flicks!
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