Unseen Evil 2 (2004 Video)
Words Can't Describe the Horror (1 out of 10)
15 August 2011
Hands down, this is the most vile piece of garbage ever committed to film. I am a big fan of B movies: flicks so bad they are good. This is not it. This is the "so inept it should have been destroyed as soon as it was made" bad. Honestly, a 12 year old could have come up with a more coherent story. NONE of it made sense, the special effects were a joke. Even the actors knew what was up. They just deliver their lines with a sarcastic smile/laugh, as if saying "is this abortion over yet?". The box picture is an outright lie: false advertising trying to suck in unsuspecting rental customers. There is no alien like it at all in the movie. Obviously this was a trick by the video company to get some return on their investment when they realized the movie alone wouldn't do it. Avoid this at all costs. It is not even worth renting to laugh at it. The only redeeming part of the whole movie was the one hot brunette who swore nonsensically for no reason all the time. How a movie this bad can get a national video release and end up in video stores throughout the country is beyond me, while many AWESOME 70s and 80s movie STILL aren't even available on DVD. Sad. This flick is the reason IMDb needs to allow a 0 rating. You have been warned.
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