The housekeeper
30 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Elegant and sophisticated Catherine Lelievre is in a bind. She has been without a housekeeper for quite some time. The prospect of getting someone to come work in her suburban home as a live-in maid, appears to be Sophie, a young woman she interviews for the job as the story begins. The quiet Sophie shows promise, although Catherine does not emphasize she is taking her on a trial basis.

Sophie turns out to be a terrific worker and a good cook to boot. There is one problem though, we realize she is an illiterate young woman who cannot read. Little written reminders pose a threat to her because she has no idea what is being asked for her to do. The generous LeLIevres offer to pay for her driving lessons, something she refuses because she has bad eyes. No problem, they will pay for an eye checkup!

One day Sophie meets Jeanne, a woman that is a gossip and a snoop. She has the perfect job working at the post office where she is able to open the mail to her heart's content. Jeanne sees in Sophie a kindred spirit. What's more, she has discovered a secret the Lelievre's maid has told no one. Sophie was involved in a fire in the house where she was living with her older infirm father, who died in the sinister. Sophie, who might have done the deed, is not accused of anything. Yet Jeanne knows about it. Jeanne, a woman with a shady past, becomes Sophie's ally.

In the meantime, things begin to change somewhat for Sophie at the Lelievres. One day, she decides to leave Catherine to fend for herself during a birthday party at the house because she must go out with Jeanne. Daughter Melinda discovers the problem with Sophie. Thinking the maid is dyslexic, she offers to help her, but Sophie overreacts by telling Melinda she knows she is hiding her pregnancy from her parents.

Georges Lelievre finally explodes when he learns that Jeanne, the woman that has been reading his correspondence is being entertained at his house by Sophie. He fires her, but lets her stay for a few days. A bad decision that will backfire on him and the family. Jeanne, clearly upset by not being able to come to the house, visits one night as the family prepares to watch "Don Giovanni" on a televised broadcast which they are also recording on a portable device. That visit comes with terrible consequences for all the people involved.

Claude Chabrol's adapted Ruth Rendell's novel "A Judgment in Stone" with Caroline Eliacheff, transferring the locale from England to his beloved Brittany. The adapters put more emphasis on the class differences between the well-to-do Lelievres and Sophie, even though the employers were more than generous. The novel had another flavor, but for those that have not read the original text, this is a wonderful way to get acquainted with the Ruth Rendell work. In fact, having read the novel years before the film came out, we went back to reread it after we watched the film.

Sandrine Bonnaire is quite a contrast for the original Eunice Parchman. In the novel, Eunice is a vulgar woman whose attitude toward any kindness the people she worked for bestowed on her was received with resentment. The Sophie in the film version shows a more sophisticated approach, in comparison with Eunice. Ms. Bonnaire, one of France's leading actresses does what the director wanted of her, but it is hard to believe her Sophie could be illiterate.

Working with Isabelle Huppert came easy for Claude Chabrol, after all, they collaborated a lot in the films they did together. Some of Ms. Huppert's best work can be seen in films directed by Chabrol. Jacqueline Bisset and Jean-Pierre Cassel are wonderful as the Lelievres. Virginie Ledoyen and Valentin Merlet play Melinda and Gilles respectively.

Bernard Zitzermann's camera photographs the area in vivid detail, enhancing the film. The music score is by Matthieu Chabrol, the son of the director, a frequent collaborator.
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