Review of Ex Drummer

Ex Drummer (2007)
half dark comedy, half shock value, full art.
22 June 2011
Flemish cinema. OK why not.

Pretty much the only reason why i got my hands on it in the first place, it turned out however to be quite a surprise. Deep down below the underground of Europe's cities has always provided some nasty atmospheres, from the French Irreversible to the Danish Pusher, there is always something dark and nasty… and real. This is definitely the case as well with Ex-drummer: half dark comedy, half shock value, full art.

The movie has little plot, on paper at least: bunch of idiotic semi-handicapped idiots want to form a rock band, and so they ask the local celebrity (a well published writer) to be their drummer. The characters personality however is what makes it all stick together, it's a tale of simplicity and manipulation. Each protagonist is easily distinguishable from each other, and ultimately all stand alone to represent a specific issue of society.

I understood (?) the movie as some sort of metaphor for current issues of this world: diseases, violence, ethics, sex, alienation etc… and that feeling was greatly enhance by the ending scene (hint: morals). Thumbs up for that, i'm sure there is more than meets the eyes in it.

As far as cinematography goes, there was a lot of brilliant work in there ! The intro and final scenes definitely stuck in my mind, they worked perfectly well to suck you in, and to leave you thoughtful for a while later.

Nasty piece of life representation, it manages to leave you both eerie and in disgust: how fascinating the life down the hole can be ? Also, interesting soundtrack (not necessarily good, but definitely interesting). Plenty of rock obviously, some international while some very local.

Either way, how many Flemish movies have you seen ? *Originally written for*
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