Review of Detention

Detention (I) (2010)
23 April 2011
What a cheap-looking, stupid film. I thought it was made in the late 70s/early 80s, from the look of it, and I don't mean it as a compliment. I was surprised and disgusted finding out afterwards that this film was made in 2008 for 2 Mio and couldn't come up with anything better. They saved enough money on the actors and effects, so where has all the dough gone?

D. Carradine, what hast thou done?

I can't believe I thought after watching this "jeeez, Birdemic was more entertaining". That says everything.

Detention doesn't come near to be honored with the word "trash", nor is it "so bad it's good". It's not even a homage to the 70s/80s teen slashers.

Sorry I can't be bothered to detail the content. I'm too angry. And my fellow reviewers have already done a good job on this.

Detention bored me to tears but also annoyed me. Stupidity throughout - script, dialog, everything. I expect characters in these kind of flicks to be acting "stupid" (you know, the usual in these type of films - like saying hello who's there in a dark lonely room, opening a door you know better you shouldn't, etc.) but not so retarded. I actually got up inbetween to wash the dishes while watching so my life time wasn't wasted completely.

I'm happy it was a cheap rental. I only made it till the end so I could live to tell. If you want to get rid of a "friend", recommend him/her this film.

Go and watch Dance of the Dead, which also covers the cliché teens (okay, they're slashed by Zombies and not a ghost). That film is silly, but funny and dimensions better in so many ways than Detention.
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