Tron: Legacy (2010)
Wasted opportunity
3 March 2011
It's difficult to judge Tron:Legacy. While some aspects of the film let it rise above average, other aspects equally drag it down into the bog of forgettableness. Sure, you get high production values, nice special effects, more chill Jeff Bridges than you've had since the Big Lebowski and you meet the old gang of sorts.

On the other hand, the script has awkward pacing, trying to pull a Matrix on you with pseudo-philosophic techno-babble monologues and only managing to bore you during large parts. The main character of Sam Flynn is miscast, there is no tangible emotion between him, his movie-father or any other character. The film has no character development, creates no tension and generally feels like a paint-by-numbers. Even the music score is dreary.

But, if you look at it from another angle, the film manages to create an accurate representation of a sterile digital world. And there you have your message: it's an analogy for computer geeks never leaving the spot in front of their monitors, ultimately being trapped and lonely all their lives.
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