Life on Earth (1979)
Iconic story of how life and evolution work
28 February 2011
I still remember watching the first episode of this series with my Father back in 1979. Wow, that is a long time ago! I was about twelve and sat transfixed to the television. I'd never seen anything like it and it really answered so many questions and inspired others. As mentioned elsewhere it is beautifully shot, using a great score and sound effects. Sir David's (he is now!) delivery, enthusiasm, scripting skills and knowledge shine through.

Okay the sound is mono and it is not HD, but that doesn't matter. This really is a classic piece of work, like a Hitchcock. It was the first of it's kind and a must watch for all nature / evolution fans. Years later I went to University and the first episode was used as a teaching aid for year one students on the geology course; it was that good.

Viewers that are students, must realise that the science of evolution has moved on and not everything is scientifically correct now. But, that adds another edge to this where you can see how our knowledge has moved on so much. For non scientists though there is much to learn and if you find yourself as visually engaged as I was at age twelve then you can then maybe settle down and work your way through the rest of the Sir David Attenborough classics!

Believe me the series is well worth a watch even if you're only slightly interested in nature and evolution.
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