Review of TS-19

The Walking Dead: TS-19 (2010)
Season 1, Episode 6
I HATED this episode!
22 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As someone that adores the comics and loved most of the AMC Series, this episode could not have been any more disappointing, poorly conceived and out of place.

First off, again, as a fan of the comics, the sight of seeing Rick become hysterical and pound on a metal door was woefully out of character. Rick is usually a master strategist, but to learn that he had depleted all the group's resources in order to reach the CDC only added to the notion that whomever wrote this sorry episode seemed to have no idea of Rick as a character, of just what makes The Walking Dead a great narrative.

Add then the notion of a CDC Scientist allowing people into his safe house only to complain about how they might contaminate the facility was madness, but absolutely nothing compared to the utter lunacy of deciding that the best thing was to instead kill them all by trapping them inside during detonation of the facility once power runs out. Never did it make sense in the episode why someone seemingly fighting to find a cure would just open the door of his safe house so he can bring others in to die.

At the end of the episode, more illogic enters in when the group hops back into their caravan and drives off despite the fact shared earlier that all resources were depleted. The only thing that could have made this all worse was if the episode had alluded to Aliens having a part in this mess (akin to the joke in issue #75 of the series).

Once this sorry episode was done, I PRAYED that future episodes would stay closer to the actual series as this episode was woefully bad.
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