Deadly Target (1994)
A lesser PM Entertainment movie
16 December 2010
"Deadly Target" is overall about as bland and generic as its uninspired title. To be fair, there are a few good things in it. The production values are pretty good; the movie looks glossy (thanks in part to photography by PM Entertainment honcho Richard Pepin), nothing looks particularly cheap, and the lighting gives the movie a moody feel. Also, some of the martial arts fights are not bad. Not up to fights in Hong Kong movies, but still fairly exciting. However, the movie's other action sequences (car chases, shootouts) come across as really flat and unexciting. Part of this is due to the really tight feeling of most of the movie, with the camera jammed up close instead of stepping back and letting us see everything. But the real problems come with Daniels' character. His character is kind of a pr*ck in several scenes, making it hard to warm up to him. Also, after the first twenty-five minutes, Daniels' character does next to nothing towards his pursuit of the bad guy for the next fifty minutes! The movie may not be totally free of merit, but it should only be seen during a boring weekend - make that an ESPECIALLY boring weekend.
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