An Old Fashioned Christmas (2010 TV Movie)
The dramatic equivalent of a Hallmark card
12 December 2010
I only watched this because Mommy made me. I'm thinking the cider with the cyanide would have been preferable. Ho ho ho!

Christmas movies are rarely either profound or intellectually stimulating. The point is to make the audience glow with Christmas cheer. Still, even the least demanding viewer requires something more than bad acting and a plot that presents itself in its entirety within the first 15 minutes. Oh yes, and something having to do with Christmas besides the time of year in which the story happens to be set. An old-fashioned Christmas seems to consist of scheming with and against friends and family between exchanges of insults. Then, you can hang some holly, sing some carols, eat, drink, and be merry--if you can find the time.

If you've ever read a Jane Austen novel or seen one of the movie adaptations, pick one. Then, move it to Ireland. Then, set it at Christmas. Then, make the heroine American. Then, remove any semblance of wit or charm. Then, skip this movie.
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