Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Redefines the sci-fi scene !
28 November 2010
I will try to be brief , but this is one of the most complete sci-fi series out there , so I must make some points.

People either love it or hate it , which is a big mystery to me . I guess like everything in life , it comes down to what you expect . This is not similar to anything else you may have seen . There are no heroes , no clear cut villains , everyone makes mistakes , everyone changes . Cylons start out as children holding a grudge , misguided and full of rage . They feel like they have been enslaved , robbed of their right to be recognized as sentient beings. They try too hard to prove that they are loved by their replacement father (god) , since their original father (humanity) never did . Are self aware machines alive ? Are they wrong to try to find out ?

Humanity and Cylons mature together , in a journey that has unexpected turns and twists . All they believe in turns out to be a lie or a misconception . Are they running for their lives or are they guided towards an end ?

Plot wise , there is enough depth and food for thought to last to the end . No easy solutions here .

Acting is great . Adama(Olmos) is great as an authority and patriarchal figure . Baltar(Callis) works great as well , as the tormented , naive at times , genius , womanizer , responsible for the end of the world , kind of scientist . I say all actors pull their weight and its part of why the series is so engaging .

The Sci-fi part is almost hidden in the background , this is a human story , about an old race too self involved to see its own shortcomings , and a new race trying to find its way , but scarred so deeply and making the same mistakes as the old one .

I enjoyed this series and I cant but recommend it , with no reservation whatsoever . Sci-fi fun or just looking for a great story ? Look no further.
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