A clever and bizarre early short with an excellent pig costume.
1 November 2010
Making the man a pig suggests that the woman is the victim of the man's vileness but the pig seems to be an OK guy while the woman initially rejects him, then kicks and humiliates him and gets him to obey her order to dance with her a number, naked. "Poor pig", we think, but behind the stage his lecherousness comes to light when he makes suggestive facial expressions to the audience. So is he completely stupid to think he will score with that woman after what just happened? Is the message that men are stupid pigs that women can easily play with if they want to? No. Because if you pay attention the pig wears the tuxedo again that she ripped off his body earlier. So either this shows him before he went out on stage meaning it is a flashback, or it plays some time later before he is actually about to kick it off with her after the rocky start. Either way it shows that he's a pig alright and had it coming.
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