Babylon 5: A Call to Arms (1999 TV Movie)
A not bad movie
21 September 2010
The underlying problem of JMS's Babylon 5 universe is that the characters was always more interesting than the universe they lived in. Narns were fun, but they were never as cool as Klingons. You only cared about Narns because G'Kar was such a great character.

Thus we have "A Call to Arms", an excuse to get a few of the regular B5 Characters to set up what was going to become "Crusade". Which might have been a great series in its own right, had TNT not blown it. (Like putting Season 5 episodes of B-5 up against new episodes of Star Trek Voyager).

Overall plot line. Galen manipulates Sheridan into realizing the Drahk threat against Earth. He teams up with an Earthforce captain and a thief from a dead race. They take two prototype ships to confront the Drahk and the leftover Shadow Planet Killer.

Bruce Boxleitner and Jerry Doyle do some good work here. But all they are doing is setting the table for a meal we never got to fully enjoy. TNT took away the meal somewhere around the soup or salad portion.

God Save us From Basic Cable.
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