Ultimate Spider-Man (2005 Video Game)
This game kind of "bugged" me...
22 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about "Ultimate Spider-Man"? Well, for starters, being a lifelong fan of both Marvel Comics and Spider-Man, I was really hoping I'd like this game. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

So what was it about this game that "bugged" me so much? Well, it wasn't just one thing in particular but a lot of little things put together. Here are some of the aspects of the game I found particularly bothersome:

The overall look of the game. I'll admit it, maybe I'm being a bit unfair on this one. It's not that I hated the "cartoony" appearance of "Ultimate Spider-Man", it's just that I'd been spoiled by playing the visually stunning "Spider-Man: Web of Shadows" before playing this game.

. The controls are horrible. It is entirely too difficult to web-sling across town with Spider-Man. Many of the game's missions depend upon exact maneuvering of Spidey's web-slinging in order to catch fleeing foes before they're "too far away". The only problem is that it's so hard to get Spidey to go where you want him to. You end up failing mission after mission which results in having to repeat them far more often than what should be necessary. I don't mind a challenging game as long as it's still fun, but this just stops being fun after a while.

. Venom is pretty much worthless in this game. The poor controls aren't limited to Spider-Man, but also to Venom, which you have no choice but to play as at different points in the game. I don't mind Venom, but I'd rather play as Spider-Man, so if the game designers were going to put me in the position where I have to play as him (Venom), the least they could've done was to not make playing him a living hell. Much of Venom's gameplay depends upon jumping long distances. Again, he faces much the same problem here as Spidey did with his web-slinging. It's too difficult to control! You end up going here, there, everywhere but where you want it seems. The chase against Electro is absolutely horrendous for this very reason.

The only positive things I can really say about the game was that it featured both a pretty good storyline and voice acting, but that's about it. In short, I'd say to skip this game in favor of "Spider-Man: Web of Shadows", which I think was superior in every way.
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