Showed great promise, but it was pretty lame in the end
26 July 2010
A movie about a small town during a zombie outbreak is turned into a comedy when people, convinced it was a terrorist attack, start showing their ugly sides: homophobia, ignorance, blood lust, right wing politics, liberal politics, any politics, etc.

This could have been a really cool movie. It was obviously low budget, with bad acting on top, but that hasn't stopped others. The problem lies in the plot. When it's ironic, it's not funny; when it's bloody, it's not scary; when it shows the stupidity of small town folk, it's so exaggerated that it cycles between scary and gross. There were some funny ideas there: the Iranian family that is always mistaken for Iraqi, just because that's what's most on the news, or some of the gay antics of the two New Yorkers returned to come out to the mother of one of them, but now I am really trying to find more funny moments and I can't.

Bottom line: this is one of those movies that show the power of a good title. Who could resist a movie called Zombies of Mass Destruction? It's such a powerful title that a second part is in production for 2011. The movie though, it really was lame and failed in any direction worth exploring. Similar to some of those murderous inbred family movies where you get to see a lot of rednecks acting badly instead of true horror, it was just a waste of time.
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