Quantum of Physics
23 July 2010
OK I went into this one with low expectations. I've heard all the "not a bond movie" reviews and was expecting a bad Borne movie. Well there is some truth to that. The action scenes are straight from the Borne movies in that they are annoyingly hard to follow (and don't follow much in the way of being believable). I'm a firm believer that this style of action scenes does not come from the desire of the director to make a more engaging scene, but that they are easier to film in tiny 1/4 second slices and then edit the hell out of it. Shake the camera a lot so to cover up the mistakes. When they did this in the Borne movies and the public loved it we all have to suffer from the imitations.

As for the rest of the movie...it was great. I liked the introduction to the new SPECTRE (Quantum) and liked that aspect of the old Bond films. The villain was kind of crazy enough. I did like that his second (the guy with the little unusualness that all spy movies have) didn't wind up in usual fist fight with bond (this is not a spoiler).

I didn't like the bad guys and I liked the good guys. Action scenes could have been done better (probably budget cuts). Acting was standard.

8/10 Good cheap fun.
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