Curly Sue (1991)
Predictable, but also light-hearted and heartfelt
13 July 2010
I had heard some not-so-charitable things about Curly Sue, and after also seeing the negative rating on IMDb, I was differing whether to see it. You see Curly Sue I have seen dismissed as cheesy, overly sentimental, predictable, slow and so forth. Curly Sue is not perfect by all means, but I actually did not see what was so awful about it.

I agree the story can be predictable, and the film can be slow at times. I also felt Curly Sue was slightly overlong, but that's probably just me.

However, I did not find it overly sentimental really. Sentimental it is, but overly so no. The film is very heartfelt and poignant, yet has a humorous and light-hearted tone to it. Curly Sue also is beautifully filmed, has a lovely soundtrack and the direction is solid enough. Even the acting wasn't too bad. Alison Porter is very endearing and cute in the title role, while Kelly Lynch is sexy and appealing and James Belushi is very watchable as the bum with a heart, and is also somewhat touching.

Overall, has its faults but is both funny and touching. I liked it, a lot. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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