Adventures in Paradise (1959–1962)
Nostalgic Trip
27 June 2010
I was about 7 years old when this show was first broadcast, I was captivated by the boat, the scenery, the sense of free-spirited adventure. It was one of my favorites even though as a kid the plot intricacies didn't always hold my attention. I always kept AIP in the back of my mind, I'm sure it contributed to an interest in sailing which continues to this day. I had an opportunity to view some dvds of the original shows recently. It was interesting to see how they held up, at least in my mind, in the context of 50 years of TV evolution. It was a bit like being in a time machine, I was a kid again. Like most other "serious" shows of the era, AIP was somewhat formulaic; the passengers brought the drama on board with their baggage, usually a bad guy with a gun, and an attractive femme fatale who would fall for Capt. Troy, who would bring her to her senses in the end with gentlemanly resistance, there would be a fist fight and the bad guy would be hauled away. Seems funny now to see that all the women passengers wore dresses, heels, and jewelry on board the Tiki, the June Cleaver standard of the times. Even with these criticisms, I still consider it a great show of its era, and an awesome nostalgic trip for those like me who originally watched it back in the day. Great to see it well-rated here, I couldn't agree more.
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