The Obama Deception (2009 Video)
Intelligence or lies? Watch this movie right NOW (to find out)!!!
26 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the one positive review I saw here was intelligent and I deduced that the two negative reviews were lies. Whatever anyone says, I think it was horribly perverse to mint a coin with Obama's face on one side and JFK's face on the other side and I remember watching many television commercials selling that coin over and over for a certain amount of time. (They didn't mention that in the movie.) Back to the review: as a film, I was at first put off by the title because I was secretly lying to myself that Obama was not so bad and I was so sure it was just a propaganda smear type thing. There's so much distraction available and I wanted to hope that he could be a beacon of hope in these dark times, even if only he was just a figment of my imagination, but sadly that's not true. Well he may truly be a figment of my imagination, but I now know that he's definitely not a beacon of hope! Finally I watched it and couldn't have been more wrong to myself when I had judged a book by it's cover and dismissed it offhand without even giving it a chance before. I was totally captivated. Alex Jones is freaking awesome! I mean, I always respected him as a journalist, but everyone has always talked about him with a sour note in their voice and I now realize why he wants you to rise up against the liars. Obama should be more than impeached, he should be lying naked in chains and freezing in a cold dark dungeon awaiting his cabbage face and disembowelment right now. I don't even have to do any research on this movie to accept it as a total proof of how everyone in politics (except for Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul's brother) are lying to themselves about what their reality is. Almost a hundred years of empty campaign promises have not brought the U.S. out of the bankruptcy the bankers put it into. Are you still not enraged yet?!? I thought I'd write this line as a Woody Guthrie type song about how people should live. What do bankers, preachers, oil men, Hollywood, (federal) government, wall street, newspapers, doctors, lawyers and bosses all have in common? They're all lies and they're all the same guys. The buildup of messages to the climax is really great and the final message in this movie is truly delivered brilliantly. There is no more time for beating around the bushes when it comes to moral rectitude. In fact, there is no more time left at all! As technology evolves, humans can communicate faster with each other at farther and farther distances. I have been saying that we're entering the information age, where the Internet rules. I took away a new word (for me) from this movie. I have known about Alex Jones and his Infowars movies (haven't REALLY watched 'em all yet, but I will when I figure out some time when I'm not DISTRACTED) and website. I heard him call his pals who have joined the side of righteousness, he dubbed them: Infowarriors! Now is the time my Infowarriors! Take back the system!
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