East End Story
10 June 2010
Manhattan businessman Josh Lucas (as Eric Traber) gets fired from his job, then heads out to the Hamptons with best friend Jeffrey Buehl (as Ziggy Sinclair). There, Mr. Lucas has an affair with the wife of boss Bob Balaban (as Wolfe Rollins). Mr. Balaban wants to divorce well-shaped Claudia Rocafort (as Sasha), and give her the Bridgehampton house Mr. Buehl wet the bed in, and is interested in purchasing with Lucas' help. By the end of the film, these four characters take center stage in an attempted murder. The unexpected ending, along with the characters, daffodils, and genuine landscape are okay - but, the movie is simply dull.

**** The Definite Maybe (1997) Sam Sokolow, Rob Rollins Lobl ~ Josh Lucas, Jeffrey Buehl, Claudia Rocafort, Bob Balaban
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