Super High Me (2007)
Funny insight
16 April 2010
This is a tough one... I feel we would have had a very complete informative, plus comical ride if the guy had not actually smoked but stuck with the vaporizing. Smoking, correct me if I am wrong here, smoking anything, can not be good for that soft tissue structure that are the lungs! He could have tackled two birds with one stone in this even more so, if he cut out smoking because then, we have a better picture of the effects of THC...

Very good idea for documentary - would be interesting to see more tests on this topic, to open it up a bit more. Is a tough one though because it is really recreationally widespread that sometimes the mecidinal side is over-shadowed. Maybe some more seriousness would make it more of a documentary than this - but boy was it a good watch - stoner or non stoner, this has it's comedy about it.
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